Clean Water: Wells and Purification Systems

Clean Water:  Wells and Purification Systems

Good health requires clean water.  Impure drinking water results in poor health.  Insufficient irrigation causes inadequate food supply.  In this area where there are two dry seasons, irrigation is vital for growing an adequate supply of vegetables year round.

Recent droughts have reduced the water level in the river, causing the flow in the pipeline to slow to a trickle.  Women have returned to spending their days walking four-mile round trips, twice a day, to carry water back to the village. And, the trickle of water for irrigation is not adequate for growing vegetables.

Drilling wells is necessary at this point in time. It will supply clean water to the villagers year round, regardless of dry seasons.

To date, the villagers have raised $540 of their own money to pay a geologist who determined the locations and depths of the local water table.

Goal: drill five wells and provide water purification facilities that ensure the provision of clean water in abundant quantities.

Three water wells: $210,000.  It is impossible to overstate the difference five wells can make in the health and prosperity of this community.

Water purification system: To be determined.