

Healthcare in developing countries is a complex issue and improvements are usually slow and difficult. In Njithune, the first problem was a lack of water in the village. The original Njithune Mission from HP Pres started addressing this problem more than 15 years ago with the construction of a water pipeline from a river two miles away. This was a great improvement because it made water available in the village for irrigation and personal use, but the water needed to be boiled and filtered, and as a result, health problems persisted. Sources of clean water are being developed now. See “Clean Water” under “Projects” above.

Shortly after the water pipeline was built, a medical clinic was build with help from HP Pres to begin addressing healthcare in a more direct way. The clinic, which is operated by the county government, serves people from a total of six villages with more than 10,000 people. Most of the people in the villages suffered from malaria and parasite diseases, and the clinic has been very effective in reducing these burdens on the local communities.

It has also established care for routine medical problems, like hypertension and diabetes for the first time, and the health of all of the people in the area has dramatically improved.

Hope Unlimited is working with the county government to convert the clinic into a Health Center, which will greatly expand the services available. We are continuing to supply adequate amounts of medicines and work on expanding the facilities.

  • Monthly Medicine Budget: $3,000 — The clinic is the only source of healthcare and medicines for many people in the area. The government supplies some medicines, but the ever-growing need causes shortages on a monthly basis, so we are helping to supply medicines to meet the needs of the population.

  • Completion of Nurses Quarters: $5,000 — Two duplexes have been constructed near the clinic for nurse housing, but are not usable due to a lack of electricity. Onsite nurses are essential for maternity care, so we are working to raise funds for electricity connections so that the housing can be occupied.

  • Conversion to Health Center: amount to be determined — When we have funds for more facilities at the clinic, we hope to see it upgraded into a Health Center, which will dramatically increase the services available and the staffing. Individual gifts or complete funding with naming rights are being sought.